Just trying hard for now
I’m now officially a freelance web designer as of three weeks ago. Hooray! It’s pretty scary when I stop to think about it, but right now I have no time for that because I’m so damn busy.
I’ve been wondering what to do with this website seeing as I’m not really an illustrator, despite my many attempts to pretend I might be. Some ideas include a one page profile on me and all the billions of things I’m involved in, a blog which just records the things I learn as I fake it until I make [a mess of] it, or just a picture of a duck for no reason.
This site is listed on my business cards so it’s probably best to make it look a bit more professional. I put it on there when I thought I could draw pictures for a living, but I’ve been developing websites for over a decade and so it’d be madness to not devote 80% of my time to those jobs.
Anyway, just thought I’d check in to shift some of the cobwebs and see how I feel about leaving my stream of consciousness out here for random people to read.