Love print? Join us at The Print Social

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been working with a few friends in the past few months to create The Print Social, a semi regular meetup in Liverpool for anyone interested in printmaking.

If you’re interested in printmaking, from a vague curiosity to a full blown obsession or career, we’d love you to join us sometime at one of our socials. There have been two so far with a range of attendees who are into loads of different print methods, from screen printing to etching and even something similar to marbling! It’s been great gabbing about print and I can see a number of opportunities for collaboration popping up already.

We’ve launched the website which we want to grow into a really useful resource for people who need help with various printmaking problems. We plan to start off with a breakdown of the screen printing process, which we’ll be filming when we come to print the submissions to our Super Happy Fun Times exhibition. We’ll then invite guests to post about their preferred methods of printing and give everyone a taste of the vast array of cool things you can do with the same materials.

So if all that’s not enough to convince you to get involved, come down to the next social and I’ll buy you a coffee or a beer. You’ll soon change your mind when you meet everyone and if you don’t, at least you got a free drink!