Percy Gulliver’s, Wasted Heroes & Draw the Line

Last week at Percy Gulliver’s (located in the upstairs of the shipping forecast) Wasted Heroes had their second screen printing event or screen printing club . It involved an excellent display of screen prints, as is standard for Percy Gulliver’s, and Russ of Wasted Heroes demonstrating how to screen print onto to shirts.

Draw the Line were also invited down to cover the tables in blank wallpaper and let people draw as the pleased. Draw the Line is a monthly event which, like too many other events, is hosted on the first Thursday of the month (usually in Djangos Riff) so it was nice to have a bonus one to go to.

I didn’t get to have a go at printing my own t-shirt as they didn’t have any large left 🙁 Russ kindly offered to sort it out for me though so I should have one this week sometime.

It was great to sit, drink, draw and chat for the evening and you can see my doodles below.
